Jason Siko


Holistic Technology Integration: The P4 Framework for Professional Development: ($15, 80pp, 6X9”: Paperback ISBN: 978-1-68114-296-8; $30: Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-68114-297-5; $2.99: EBook ISBN: 978-1-68114-298-2; LCCN: 2016915594; January 17, 2017; Purchase on Amazon or Barnes & Noble): The P4 Framework is a holistic framework for teacher technology use that discusses the use of technology to enhance instructional practices, teachers’ professional development, and general workplace productivity. This framework shows the members of the teacher education field how to use technology not just for pedagogical practices, but also for the practical aspects of teaching. Conversely, it also illustrates the limits of the “tools-only” emphasis that is often promoted through technology conferences and social media.

This framework addresses complex issues regarding technology in education: teacher buy-in, balancing teacher and student needs, developing a professional development program that analyzes learners, the community, and teachers. The book is both an easy-to-read guide and a call-to-arms. It encourages school personnel to set benchmarks and track performance changes based on technology initiatives in order to prove to stakeholders that technology is indeed making a difference.

Jason Siko is an Assistant Professor of Educational Technology at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, MI. He was previously a high school biology and chemistry teacher for 13 years. Jason has also worked as a consultant in strategic foresight. His research interests include educator training and professional development, teaching foresight in K-12, game design as an instructional strategy, and K-12 online readiness skills.

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