Steven P. Stamatis

Stamatis - Cover - 9781681142197

Handful of Sand and Other Poems: ($15, 92pp, 6X9″, Print ISBN: 978-1-68114-219-7, EBook ISBN: 978-1-68114-220-3, LCCN: 2015916951, October 2015; Purchase on Amazon or Barnes & Noble):  is a collection of images and feelings that linger in the conscience and refuse to go away. They evoke emotions the author is compelled to share with the reader in understandable language, without obscurity—plainly, deliberately. Whether it’s observing an ant, watching a rocker sway to the breeze, or simply taking a train to the city, these poems help to grasp a deeper meaning in seemingly routine actions and incidents. Many insist we evolve from profound life-altering events that lay their mark on us. However, it’s the unpretentious, simple occurrences throughout the years that shape who we are; it’s the unimpressive handful of sand we overlook that holds a million lives.

Steven P. Stamatis was born in Greece but grew up in Chicago during the 1960s. The cultural transition to American life set the stage for a life-long love affair with the English language. Following a 35-year business career, he added a 12-year teaching career at nearby colleges with a focus on English and Humanities. Steven has been writing poems for over 50 years, published in a dozen anthologies. His first volume of poems Handful of Sand and Other Poems was published in 2015. Currently, he resides with his wife in Addison, Illinois.