
Anaphora Literary Press

Anaphora Literary Press

Specific Submission Requirements: 1. Avoid sending query letters without the requirements, 2. When submitting a project for review, always send ALL of the following materials by email to in a single Microsoft Word attachment: A. Full Manuscript (MS), B. Paragraph biography for the author, C. Paragraph summary or synopsis of what happens in the book or what the book is about (imagine that this description will go on your book’s back cover), D. Paragraph marketing plan that explains exactly what you plan to do to sell your book (if you have any contacts, leads, specific places you have already contacted, name these here; also comment if you plan on buying copies of your book at a discount rate to sell at readings, to classes or elsewhere).
Some Other Requirements and Explanations: Mailed submissions will not be considered. PDFs and other files that cannot easily be opened and commented on in a modern computer will not be evaluated. With your initial submission, you can also send a note if you have cover images in mind. And, if you want to include your photo in the book, email it as well. In the file of the MS, don’t forget to send all parts of the book that you would want to have published: dedication, list of other books you published, an introduction, etc. Poetry books can be 60-200 pages – when formatted on single-spaced book-sized paper. Novels/ novellas should be 100-300 pages. Longer books have higher cover prices and are discouraged. Submissions from academics are especially welcomed, but the quality of your writing is more important than if you hold an academic post.
If you want to speed up the quantity of time it will eventually take to format and graphically design your book, please follow these optional guidelines: 1. 11pt. Bell MT font, 2. Single-space, 3. Hit enter at the end of all of your paragraphs, so that “Justified” paragraph formatting doesn’t make your lines look stretched (but don’t add extra blank lines between paragraphs), 4. Justify the entire file – with the exception of headings, titles etc., that is usually centered or for some reason has to be somewhere else on the page, 5. Don’t include any blank pages and don’t include page breaks or other fancy formatting in Word – just plain text – remember that the page numbers will be different in the final book. 6. Don’t include page numbers in the table of contents. 7. In general, check the file to make sure there are no typos, mistakes, erroneous formatting and the like.
Publishing Contract: At this time Anaphora asks for you to give up non-exclusive, but continuous, rights to your project. Anaphora formats, designs and does light or heavy editing on single-author book projects. But, Anaphora does not accept books that have too many grammatical, spelling and other types of errors, or books that have not been initially proofread by the authors. If you are interested in actively participating in marketing your project, Anaphora can help you by creating a press release, letters, send emailed releases to libraries, bookstores, and publications, and mailing review copies (you have to buy these copies at 25% off the cover price – that’s how much it costs to ship them to the publisher and then out for review with the necessary documents). You are responsible for contacting your local book stores about signings or events to advertise and sell your book. In fact, you should call your local book stores before signing the contract, to check if you will be able to generate some sales. Anaphora is a hybrid traditional and cooperative publisher. On the cooperative side, authors buy 50 copies at 25% off or 100 copies at 40% off the cover price for resale to help sponsor their publication. An Example of the Process for Ordering 50 Books: if your book costs $15 per book, you mail a check for $11.25 * 50 = $562.50 – in exchange you will receive 50 books. We prefer to work with writers who have done some research and plan on actively selling their book. We have a very quick production schedule; occasionally a book is on sale a month after a contract is signed. If you want to wait for pre-production reviews, these take an additional 4-6 months, heavy editing takes a couple of months, and you can also request a delay if you want your project to come out at a specific time, though typically books can’t be scheduled for publication more than 1 year after a contract is signed.

38 Responses to “Submissions”

  1. Joyce Shaughnessy May 21, 2021 at 1:41 pm #

    I have a YA historical fiction manuscript of 84,000 words. I had a contract with Black Opal Books, but they have had a hard time while changing offices and owners. I requested my rights back, and she gave them to me. She was kind enough to say if I couldn’t find a publisher for my manuscript, I c
    ould bring it back to them. It has been through two edits, and I paid independently for my own cover. Since you are a hybrid publisher, are there any costs other than the books? Would I need to pay you for edits or any marketing you might do? I’m just trying to find out the actual costs, as my budget is tight. Thank you for your time!


    • Anaphora Literary Press May 21, 2021 at 4:32 pm #

      Dear Joyce: Currently, most of the books I accept go through the hybrid contract that requires either a purchase of at least 50 books at 25% off the cover price ($750 for your book), or a flat fee of $400 without books (the latter was put in place during the pandemic for those who don’t plan to do readings/ resell books). This fee covers all of my standard services, but there are some extras when something would cost me extra, for example sending printed copies to reviewers cost 25% off the cover price for each book you ask me to send out for review for you, or you can send them out of your copies at no extra cost. I used to hire free editing interns, but at this time I’ve stopped the editing program; I do light proofreading for major errors during formatting/ type-setting, but the book basically has to have been edited by you or somebody else prior to submission. I create a press release and a range of other marketing tools for writers without any added cost. I also occasionally accept some books without any purchase/ payment requirements, but this is only for the best literary and academic books. I hope this answered your questions. Let me know if you have any other questions. My email address is Sincerely, Anna Faktorovich

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Metere Abdullahi December 30, 2018 at 7:59 am #

    Please Anaphora will I have to pay any amount as a publishing cost or is Anaphora a traditional publisher who doesn’t charge authors. kindly enloghten me .Thanks.


    • Anaphora Literary Press December 30, 2018 at 4:18 pm #

      Hi: As this website explains, Anaphora is a hybrid publisher. Most of the authors purchase 50 copies at 25% off the cover price to support their publication. If a book is of outstanding quality or the writer has an outstanding background, then there is no need to purchase any copies, but there is still no “advance” paid. For all, there are 50% royalties from books sold. Sincerely, Anna


      • ABDULLAHI MOHAMED December 30, 2018 at 6:21 pm #

        Thanks a lot for the kind clarification .


      • ABDULLAHI MOHAMED January 1, 2019 at 12:56 pm #

        Dear Anna. My manuscript is typed in Times New Roman , 12 pt and it is a crime fiction story of 10,181 words and the whole text is double spaced . And in the website of Anaphora it stated different requirement as to my manuscript although they defined it as optional . So please can I submit it for your consideration for publishing . Thanks in regard and I hope to hear from you soon . Please advise me .


        • Anaphora Literary Press January 1, 2019 at 4:57 pm #

          Your story is probably to short for a stand-alone book – you might want to submit it as a short story to PLJ. I will let you know if it works and for what if you email a Word document to me at There are no special formatting requirements, just the MS, and paragraph bio, summary and marketing plan in a single attached document. Sincerely, Anna


  3. Dorie LaRue December 30, 2018 at 3:33 am #

    Hello. Would you consider a self published manuscript that is out of print?


  4. Metere Abdullahi November 30, 2018 at 3:02 pm #

    Hi Anaphora publishers . Kindly do you accept for publications manuscripts of about 3800 words which is fiction. Thanks in regards , Metere Abdullahi .


  5. Rodney Wade December 14, 2017 at 7:38 pm #

    I used the link above to submit some of my work but realized after reading comments and replies, that I didn’t log in or include my email in the submission. I am also unaware if my computer automatically links my email account to messages sent on websites. So, with this comment, I only wish to ensure you have my email, not to pester on whether my submission was accepted or not.

    Thank you for your time.


    • Anaphora Literary Press December 14, 2017 at 7:54 pm #

      Dear Rodney: The form on the website is a tool writers can use to offer a few more preferences for their book, and to invite authors to submit books. Anaphora’s cooperative platform means that a lot more books can be accepted unlike a small press that is attempting to offer advances (thus necessitating very high profit margins and the need to only accept highly marketable books). The form is also there to explain the flexibility Anaphora offers authors: as they can choose the format, cover type and other components of their book. The form does not allow for the attachment of a manuscript as well as the email address – so obviously an author has to also email the MS to me. It is probably going to be easier for most authors to email an MS, and paragraph bio, summary and marketing plan and then answer the questions in this form via email upon acceptance of their project. But, some other authors might be more comfortable with filling out the form first. If somebody fills out the form and doesn’t email me and their email is not linked to their WordPress account – no, I cannot figure out who they are no respond to them 🙂 – so hopefully you won’t do that. I hope this clarifies the matter for anybody who might have otherwise been confused. Let me know if you have any other questions. Sincerely, Anna


      • Rodney Wade December 15, 2017 at 8:02 pm #

        Thanks so much for the speedy reply! I resubmitted via my personal email account just to ensure you had my contact information. I understand if you find my book isn’t marketable, publishers have to choose carefully afterall. I would greatly appreciate any feedback you, or any staff might have to offer.

        Thanks again,


        • Anaphora Literary Press December 15, 2017 at 9:18 pm #

          As I explained, Anaphora’s cooperative platform allows for the publication of books that aren’t marketable. Authors purchase 50 copies at 25% off the cover price for resale. This purchase assures that I start with a profit from a project, so I don’t have to worry about the book selling additional copies. Many of the books I publish sell pretty well otherwise, but this is a bonus for me. Thus, your book can be completely unmarketable and just meet my basic requirements of grammar/ content, and it would be fit for publication with Anaphora. An author of a bad book doesn’t want to purchase 50 copies of it, so this is partly why I manage to screen books that shouldn’t be published out.


      • Arthur Mitchell April 27, 2018 at 8:54 pm #

        Unless I missed the cost for books exceeding 300 pages, I need to know how if you accept manuscripts at 450 pages?


        • Anaphora Literary Press April 27, 2018 at 9:02 pm #

          The cover cost for a 450 page book would be $25. Yes, Anaphora accepts manuscripts of any length.


  6. Christopher Hansen December 9, 2016 at 3:35 am #

    Hello, I was just wondering if there are any restrictions regarding content in the novel?

    The novel I am writing, for example, is a science fiction novel and is rather realistic. I don’t hold back on character dialogue (they swear and such), the violence is not held back, and there are also some very adult themes (I do not have any actual sex or anything like that, though it is heavily implied in some scenes).

    So I am just curious as to what your restrictions are on these topics for your literature: sex, drug use, criminal activity, violence, and vulgarity.

    I was just curious as my book is targeted for an adult audience.


    • Anaphora Literary Press December 9, 2016 at 4:39 am #

      Dear Christopher: Adult content has to be handled with a literary style for it to be suitable for Anaphora. I do not censor based on these aspects, but rather based on the quality of the writing style. The world is full of these things, and most people have been victims, perpetrators or participators in at least one of these things… So, I think it’s too late to filter it out of the literature. Sincerely, Anna Faktorovich, PhD


  7. sjupillat December 7, 2016 at 7:39 pm #

    Hello Ms. Faktorovich, are you still open to unsolicited submissions? Also do you accept fiction collections at this time? if so, how many stories can be included in a collection? Thanks for your time


    • Anaphora Literary Press December 7, 2016 at 8:51 pm #

      Hi: Thanks for your note. Anaphora is always open to unsolicited submissions in all genres – has been for eight years now. The number of stories in a collection is up to the writer. The cover price goes up from $15 to $20 at 120 pages in the designed collection, and then up again at 250 pages or so, etc. You should only keep the best stories in. Sincerely, Anna


      • sjupillat December 7, 2016 at 8:54 pm #

        Thank you for your reply! 🙂 I’ll keep that in mind. My stories still need editing at this point but am seriously considering submitting to Anaphora when they’re polished 🙂


        • Anaphora Literary Press December 7, 2016 at 8:57 pm #

          Sure, would be happy to review them when you’re ready. I hire a dozen interns every semester who edit the submissions, so they can finish off the polish for you. Cheers!


  8. Claire Brandenburg November 4, 2013 at 11:18 pm #

    When do you consider poetry for your chapbooks?
    Thanks, Claire Brandenburg


    • Anaphora Literary Press November 5, 2013 at 12:09 am #

      I accept submissions in all genres all-year-round. I do not take any time off. Send your project at any time. Sincerely, Anna Faktorovich, PhD, Director, Anaphora


      • blake September 4, 2016 at 6:25 pm #

        Could you clarify any submission guidelines for your chapbooks? Thank you, blake


        • Anaphora Literary Press September 4, 2016 at 6:31 pm #

          Dear Blake: I only publish poetry books with at least 40 poems in them, so I do not do many chapbooks. The price is $15 for all softcover books under 120 pages, so I don’t think folks would pay this amount for shorter books. Email me if you have additional questions. Sincerely, Anna Faktorovich, PhD


  9. Manning Kimmel June 10, 2012 at 7:33 pm #


    I was considering sending my manuscript for one of my novellas to you. It’s already been copyrighted. My question is: does your company actively promote the book or is that solely the job of the author? I’d be willing to do readings, travel, etc….but I need an organization that can promote on a higher level than I can. I’ve done D.I.Y. promotions and productions for my musical projects and it seems like “many doors are closed for me”, because I’m not on a record label and/or do not know the “right people”. I’m looking for someone to ‘open some doors’ for me and I’m willing to take a smaller cut of the profits, if they can do that. Please send your response to Thanks-Manning “MK5” Kimmel


    • Anaphora Literary Press June 10, 2012 at 9:11 pm #

      Dear Manning:

      Anaphora is currently working on creating a booklet with marketing information to help authors sell their books. Anaphora offers all authors help with marketing by designing and writing press releases, letters to the press, posters, signs, bookmarks, magazine/ newspaper ads and any other type of marketing materials the author might need. Anaphora process book review requests by asking authors to buy the books at the standard 25% off the cover price (shipping included) discount, and mailing the books out for review with press releases and letters. Anaphora also currently only prints with Lightning Source, which allows for world-wide distribution with Ingram/ Bowker – and as a result dozens of major online booksellers pick up Anaphora titles and sell them online. Anaphora does not have a sales-team or the resources to make individual phone calls to libraries/ bookstores to sell titles. And Anaphora can’t purchase ads for individual authors – but does advertise and join associations for the publishing house as a whole. Authors who want additional publicity – in terms of ads, etc – should include these costs in their budget. There are several discounts on promotion offered by IBPA, of which Anaphora is a member. Some authors hire publicists, and this is likely to generate some additional sales. By offering to design ads, and other promotional materials, Anaphora works to lower the promotion cost for authors, so that they will be more likely to sell more books by their efforts. If you are looking for somebody to “open doors” for you – I don’t have the keys to the “doors” you are referring to. Anaphora titles sell pretty well – but we have not had any best-sellers. Only authors who are planning on actively calling to schedule readings, and to find buyers for their projects (books or CDs) should inquire about publication with the full submission packet. Please contact me with more specific questions by email at


      Anna Faktorovich, Ph.D., Director
      Anaphora Literary Press


  10. Norah Eastern January 3, 2012 at 2:16 am #

    Dear Anna,

    Do you publish Canadian writers?

    Happy New Year!

    Norah Eastern


    • Anaphora Literary Press January 3, 2012 at 2:26 am #

      Dear Norah:

      Yes, I can currently publish works by writers from other countries. The books are available in US, UK, Australian, Euro, and Canadian currencies. The books are only printed in the US, so shipping books outside the US is expensive, and can lower author profits. But if a lot of books are ordered, overall shipping costs are decreased. Shipping to Canada and Mexico are cheaper than to other continents. I can research other printing options, if I was to move forward with a non-US writer. Thank you for your interest in the press.

      Cheers and Happy New Year!


      Liked by 1 person

      • Norah Eastern January 4, 2012 at 12:01 am #

        Thank you, Anna! I am working on a query letter for you, with a few sample poems. Then while you read those, I’ll give my manuscript a final edit and transfer it to a Word document, using 11 pt Times New Roman font.

        Best Regards,




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